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Paying for Your Care

Paying for care can often be a confusing and complex experience. There are many different types of support available to you. To try and make things a bit simpler for you, we have listed some of the support options below. This list is not exhaustive, and we recommend that you contact your local authority or financial advisor.

Attendance Allowance

This is a benefit for people over State Pension age who need extra help with personal care or supervision due to an illness or disability.

Personal Independence Payment

This a benefit for people under State Pension age who may need help with daily activities or getting around due to a long-term illness or disability (PIP has replaced Disability Living Allowance).

Personal Savings & Equity Release

You can use your personal savings to pay for a care package. However there is still help available if you do not have sufficient savings. Equity release is a way of releasing money from your home without having to move - but it does come with some risks. You should consider it very carefully and get specialist financial and legal advice before making any decisions.

NHS Continuing Care

Some people with long-term complex health needs may qualify for free social care arranged and funded solely by the NHS.

Local Authority Care Funding

You might be eligible for your local council to pay towards the cost of your care if you have less than £23,250 in savings. The first step is for your council to do an assessment to check how much help you need. This is called a needs assessment. This is free and anyone can ask for one.


If you are eligible for financial support to pay for your homecare, your local council can arrange homecare services for you. 

Alternatively, you can choose to receive direct payments and arrange homecare yourself. 

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