The Grange, 457 Burton Road
Littleover, Derby, DE23 6XX
07710 448948

Special Care Services
Home Care Providers to the Elderly and Disabled
in the Derby Area.

Our History
Special Care Services was formed in March 1997 by two work colleagues, with a desire to enhance the quality of care within their community.
At the beginning, they were the only employees of the business. It was ran from a small home office, and rapidly expanded within the first few weeks. They began to hire their own care assistants to meet the high demand of their new venture.
Accreditation was applied for and awarded by Derby City Council.
The business continued to expand, with family members joining the office team.​
In March 2003, Special Care Services became a limited company.
We moved into our new premises on Burton Road, with our office staff, clientele and care assistant numbers growing!
In recent years, we have continued to expand and modernise the business whilst maintaining our personal approach.
Providing you with fully regulated care
Special Care Services is regulated by CQC to provide personal care to young adults and older people in their own homes across Derby. CQC conduct inspections to ensure we meet the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.