The Grange, 457 Burton Road
Littleover, Derby, DE23 6XX
07710 448948

Special Care Services
Home Care Providers to the Elderly and Disabled
in the Derby Area.


"Thank you all so much from our family for being Muriel's trusted carers and helpful friends. Thank you for making time for her, listening to her, chatting with her, laughing and crying with her, making her feel valued, for respecting her wishes, preserving her dignity, and for giving her your love. Thank you for everything you do in the community to make people's lives brighter and worth living."
- Service user family member
"Profound appreciation for the excellent service that your company has provided."
- Service user family member
"Thank you to all of you who looked after Frank in such a wonderful way. Your care meant he was able to die at home where he wanted to be. He saw you all as friends and spoke very highly of you. From a district nursing angle, you made things much easier for us knowing that his care was being done to such a high standard."
- on behalf of the District Nurses Office
"Always appreciative of the care and the attention you all gave."
- Service user family member
"Thank you so much for all your special care which kept our John at home throughout his illness. You were so kind to John and to us."
- Service user family member
"I would like to say a big thank you to all staff for the great care you took looking after Barrie, it was wonderful. Special thanks to Debbie for the lovely times Barrie had with her on Wednesdays, he loved it."